
Bridging the Gap between Donors, Much Needed Donations and the Populations that Need Them

In providing services, Abaracare drives to bridge the gap between wish and reality for both donors and

beneficiaries. Using technology, local knowledge and global strategy, our world class service
delivers healthcare access to communities and allocates resources to go the most good.

Affordable Healthcare

Using a ‘wheel and spoke’ model of hospitals and interacting
primary care sites…. Service delivery is designed to provide an
opportunity for every household to stay healthy within 50 mile
radius of their dwelling.

Disaster Relief

Service during disasters have to be speedy, culture- driven,
compassionate and non-judgmental. Trained emergency response
teams and volunteers are the backbone of AbaraCare excellence
during disasters.

Poverty Alleviation

Poverty is real to those who live with it. Services lift individuals,
households and communities out of poverty through consistent,
encouraging investments for the long haul. People lifted out of
poverty become the best service providers for those still afflicted
and are AbaraCare’s most valuable resources for breaking the