Our Mission

Disaster relief

Access to Affordable Healthcare

Poverty Alleviation

Disaster relief

Emergencies do not follow human schedules, and vulnerable communities suffer more when natural, disease and environmental disasters occur.

AbaraCare trained staff continuously scans for early warning signs, maintaining elements for preparedness and partners for rapid response.

Donors are our lifeline… and we will deliver your funds effectively

How We Achieve This

  • Immediately Identify Disaster Events Around The World As They Occur
  • Mobilize AbaraCare’s Local Staff And Volunteers To The Site And Deliver Amenities, Build Shelters And Provide Food And Basic Needs
  • Partner With The U.S. FIMA And Other Sister Organizations In The Countries AbaraCare Will Operate

Access to Affordable Healthcare

The bottom billion people in the world will be uplifted by healthcare that enables a functional existence.

Through an integrated network of medical centers of excellence and satellite health centers, AbaraCare delivers fast care for acute conditions and maintenance for chronic conditions.. enabling communities extend life expectancy and vitality.

Health is wealth.

How We Achieve This

  • Build And Manage Hospitals And Medical Centers
  • Provide A Low-Cost Healthcare Plan By Charging Truly Affordable Premiums To Cover Operational Costs Of Running The Medical Centers
  • Partner With Local Healthcare Organizations In The Countries AbaraCare Will Operate

Poverty Alleviation

With a commitment to uplifting individuals, families and communities from abject lack, AbaraCare utilizes evidence-based interventions that generate income streams and restore hope and dignity.

With AbaraCare gender empowerment to alleviate poverty, each family affected by extreme poverty will unleash the untapped economic power of the girl child and receive seed investments to create wealth from the land and labors and brainpower.

How We Achieve This

  • Identify Communities And Populations In Poverty
  • AbaraCare’s Local Staff Will Partner With Gracious Donors To Provide Basic Needs Like Shelter, Food And School Supplies
  • Partner With Local Organizations With Aligned Goals In The Countries AbaraCare Will Operate